[OS X TeX] Finally we are grown up

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Fri Nov 17 02:46:26 CET 2006

At 6:50 PM -0500 11/16/06, Alan Munn wrote:
>One thing that has been bothering me in this whole discussion is 
>whether or not there are extras provided by Gerben via i-Installer 
>that are NOT part of the TeXLive distribution.  Specifically I'm 
>thinking of things like Ghostscript, Imagemagick, FontForge etc.  I 
>assume that these are also going to disappear, yet (like 
>Ghostscript) are important for a working TeX installation.  If this 
>is true, then TeXLive is not the panacea that it is being made out 
>to be in this discussion.
>Or am I missing something?  When I first started to use TeX I did so 
>using Fink because seemed to be the simplest way to install both TeX 
>and its related utilities.  I've now weaned myself off of Fink and 
>am happy with i-installer and the MikTeX package manager, but I 
>don't relish the thought of having to chase around for every extra 
>component and install it by hand.

At 1:07 AM +0100 11/17/06, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>The packages you mentioned can be installed independently, and I 
>think MacTex will either install them by default or offer their 
>installation as an option.

I understand that they can be installed separately, but that was 
exactly my point.  I would prefer not to have to scrounge around for 
those extra components, and i-Installer made that simple.  MacTeX, as 
I understand it, depends on Gerben's distribution and also install 
some other things like TeXShop and BibDesk with very little choice on 
the part of the user.   Am I misinformed about how MacTeX works?


Alan Munn 
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                             
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824       Tel.  +1-517-355-7491
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