[OS X TeX] Turning eps to pdf problems
Stephen Moye
stephenmoye at cox.net
Mon May 22 01:30:36 CEST 2006
>> From: Ross Moore <ross at ics.mq.edu.au>
>> Date: May 21, 2006 6:59:09 PM EDT
>> To: "TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List" <MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu>
>> Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Turning eps to pdf problems
>> Reply-To: "TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List" <MacOSX-
>> TeX at email.esm.psu.edu>
>> Hi Stephen,
>> On 22/05/2006, at 8:26 AM, Stephen Moye wrote:
>>> I have a number of eps graphics (from Sibelius) that I would like
>>> to use with pdftex and xetex.
>>> With only one exception, every tool that I have tried (pstopdf,
>>> convert and epstopdf) converts
>>> all fonts to bitmaps.
>> That sounds very strange.
>> It's not supposed to happen that way.
>> What fonts are included in the graphics ?
>> Can you post one of your .eps graphics,
>> as an example for others to look at and test?
>>> The only exception is Apple's Preview application which will open
>>> the
>>> eps file and save it out as a pdf with the fonts as outlines. Is
>>> there a way to get the other
>>> utilities to do the same thing?
>> I'd have expected that to be the default, unless there
>> are some config files on your system that specify otherwise.
>> This may depend upon the specific fonts that the graphic
>> provides or requests.
>>> Thanks for any help on this.
>> Cheers,
>> Ross
Where shall I post it? The list does not accept attachments...
Thank you...
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