[OS X TeX] Font in TeXShop

Arthur Snoke snoke at vt.edu
Thu Feb 23 14:38:07 CET 2006

I found the following message from Bruce very useful.  After changing 
scale to scaled, the latex file not gives no error messages and the output 
looks fine.

I would appreciate examples showing how I sould use the Helvetica and 
Courier.  I have a command to make headers:

\newcommand{\heading}[1]{\begin{center}\large\bf #1\end{center}}

To make it use Helvetica instead of the default font, does this work?

\newcommand{\heading}[1]{\begin{center}\textsf\large\bf #1\end{center}}

If so, does the order matter?

Will the \texttt or the \verbatim environment automatically use Courier?

Finally, what in these commands tells it to use Times rather than cm?

Thanks in advance,

Arthur Snoke

===========================from Bruce========================

> What it will do is:
> (1) use Times as the serif (or roman, if your prefer) font in your text 
> together with matching fonts, based on Times and Symbol with a tiny bit 
> of Computer Modern, for math formulae;
> (2) use Helvetica as the sans serif font;
> (3) use Courier as the monospaced (or typewriter, if you prefer) font.
> For most people, the difference between Times and Times New Roman is 
> negligible (as is the difference between Helvetica and Arial, for 
> example). Which means that, with the above LaTeX code, you should end up 
> with your LaTeX text and Intaglio figures using very similar fonts. 
> Isn't that what you were looking for?
> Bruno Voisin
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