Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Apr 3 13:31:59 CEST 2006

Am 02.04.2006 um 17:46 schrieb Hanjo Iwanowitsch:

> My question: is it possible to change the font definition to non- 
> bold sans-serif fonts?: for example the Gill in \usepackage 
> {gtamachoefler} is *very* bold; I would like it to be the "Normal"  
> Gill. Where would I have to fiddle?

Two possible options: the Gill Sans font definition file, or the  
class file you use (I presume that you complain about headers and not  

A third option would be use another font instead of Gill Sans. You  
could then re-write gtamachoefler.sty and give it another name  
(Hanjomachoefler.sty for example).

Fourth option would be to buy OpenType Gill Sans from Monotype  
Imaging Ltd. It offers some more variants (Light, Book, Medium, Bold,  
Heavy, Extra Bold, Ultra Bold, Display Bold, and condensed variants).



``How do we persuade new users that spreading fonts across the page
like peanut butter across hot toast is not necessarily the route to
typographic excellence?'' -- Peter Flynn

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