[OS X TeX] Footnote formatting
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Fri Mar 18 07:06:56 CET 2005
On Mar 17, 2005, at 10:27 PM, Malcolm Ross wrote:
> This is not strictly an OS X question, for which I apologise.
> When I format the file of an article in LaTeX using article.cls, the
> footnotes protude both right and left beyond the margins of the body
> text. If I format the same file using report.cls, the footnotes have
> the same margins as the body text.
> I would like to modify article,cls formatting so that the footnotes
> and the body text have the same margins. I haven't been able to find
> any references to this difference in any LaTeX documentation (which
> probably means I'm not looking in the right places). The difference
> seems to lie in a specification of narrower body text in article.cls,
> but I can't locate the relevant variable. Can anyone tell me how to
> make this modification?
It's rare when you have to modify the standard classes. What features
of the article class do you need that you can't use the report class?
There could be some packages out there that make the changes you want.
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