[OS X TeX] Footnote formatting
Martin Steer
m.steer at coombs.anu.edu.au
Fri Mar 18 09:18:47 CET 2005
Malcolm Ross <Malcolm.Ross at anu.edu.au> writes:
> This is not strictly an OS X question, for which I apologise.
> When I format the file of an article in LaTeX using article.cls, the
> footnotes protude both right and left beyond the margins of the body
> text. If I format the same file using report.cls, the footnotes have
> the same margins as the body text.
> I would like to modify article,cls formatting so that the footnotes
> and the body text have the same margins. I haven't been able to find
> any references to this difference in any LaTeX documentation (which
> probably means I'm not looking in the right places). The difference
> seems to lie in a specification of narrower body text in article.cls,
> but I can't locate the relevant variable. Can anyone tell me how to
> make this modification?
I don't see this behaviour. The article class gives me footnotes which
line up exactly with the with the text above. Have you modified the
margins in some way?
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