[OS X TeX] Larger fonts in article.cls
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Mar 4 17:47:45 CET 2005
The simple solution would be to put the whole body of your document in
braces and add the command \larger[2]
{\larger[2]] ....
I guess you will need amsart or amsmath for this command.
However, my own experience and aesthetic judgement would recommend you
not to fiddle with the font size, but to use the standard 10pt instead,
unless of course all recipients sight is hampered.
On Mar 4, 2005, at 17:06, Frederick Hoyt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a document using the article document class which I am trying
> to reformat as a handout. I would like to use a larger base font size
> (say, 14pt). This is not usually available in the article class, as
> far as I know.
> I have tried using the memoir class, but it conflicts with one of the
> packages which I use heavily (qtree.sty).
> Is there a way to use fonts larger than 12pt in article.cls?
> Thanks,
> Fred
> P.S. I am excluding xelatex + fontspec.sty for now because of
> complications that arise with using xetex along with some of the other
> packages I use.
> Frederick M. Hoyt
> www.livejournal.com/users/frederickhoyt
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