[OS X TeX] Larger fonts in article.cls
Alan Munn
amunn at msu.edu
Fri Mar 4 17:49:21 CET 2005
At 10:06 AM -0600 3/4/05, Frederick Hoyt wrote:
>I have a document using the article document class which I am trying
>to reformat as a handout. I would like to use a larger base font
>size (say, 14pt). This is not usually available in the article
>class, as far as I know.
>I have tried using the memoir class, but it conflicts with one of
>the packages which I use heavily (qtree.sty).
>Is there a way to use fonts larger than 12pt in article.cls?
The simplest solution is to use extsizes package.
I also use qtree extensively, and was planning to use memoir for a
book project. It seems to me that a more general solution might be
to find out what causes memoir to break qtree. I will post a message
to LingTeX to see if there is a solution around.
Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics amunn at acm.org
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages Fax. +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 Tel. +1-517-355-7491
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