[OS X TeX] Landscape mode?
David Derbes
loki at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 3 12:44:41 CET 2005
Thanks, everyone! The \usepackage{geometry} fixed the problem.
Best wishes,
David Derbes
On Mar 3, 2005, at 5:15, Will Robertson wrote:
> On 3 Mar 2005, at 9:35 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
>> On 3 mrt 2005, at 11:42, David Derbes wrote:
>>> I discovered that landscape mode simply doesn't work with my setup.
>> It does work for me, but I use a slightly different trick:
>> \documentclass[10pt,landscape]{article}
>> \usepackage{geometry} % it should pick up the landscape option
>> automatically
> The problem is that TeX doesn't understand page sizes and just puts
> words where you tell it. When pdfTeX came along it needed explicit
> instructions to tell it how big the pages were, and by then the
> standard LaTeX classes were long written in stone.
> As Maarten replied, the way to rectify the situation is to use the
> geometry package. Even if it doesn't do anything to change the page
> layout, it sets the necessary lengths so that the pdf turns out the
> correct size.
> Will
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