[OS X TeX] Landscape mode?
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Thu Mar 3 12:15:31 CET 2005
On 3 Mar 2005, at 9:35 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
> On 3 mrt 2005, at 11:42, David Derbes wrote:
>> I discovered that landscape mode simply doesn't work with my setup.
> It does work for me, but I use a slightly different trick:
> \documentclass[10pt,landscape]{article}
> \usepackage{geometry} % it should pick up the landscape option
> automatically
The problem is that TeX doesn't understand page sizes and just puts
words where you tell it. When pdfTeX came along it needed explicit
instructions to tell it how big the pages were, and by then the
standard LaTeX classes were long written in stone.
As Maarten replied, the way to rectify the situation is to use the
geometry package. Even if it doesn't do anything to change the page
layout, it sets the necessary lengths so that the pdf turns out the
correct size.
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