[OS X TeX] Mathematica with TeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Jan 26 23:42:13 CET 2005

Le 26 janv. 05, à 22:21, Amy Lee Wangsness a écrit :

> Math2Mono.afm is located in usr/library/texmf/fonts/AFM
> Math2Mono.pfa is located in usr/library/texmf/fonts/Type1
> Math2Mono.tfm is located in usr/lirary/texmf/fonts/Type1

AFM and Type1 should all be lowercase; and the .tfm file isn't where it 
should. Finder is case-insensitive, but programs of Unix origin, such 
as the binaries in gwTeX, probably are. The best thing is look at the 
various subdirectories of /Library/teTeX/share (especially 
/Library/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex) and see how they are organized; see 
also /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/doc/help/tds.dvi (drag this file 
onto the Desktop, then open it with TeXShop or TeXniscope, for 

The exact paths should be:


Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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