[OS X TeX] Re: Flashmode-Alpha Trial version
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Jan 6 17:24:26 CET 2005
Using "replaceText" as a name for the variable, was a vary bad choice,
since this term has a special meaning in tcl, but apparently without
any bad results.
On Jan 6, 2005, at 17:05, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
> Joachim's suggestion has to be slightly modified in order to work. The
> general Applescript syntax should be
> set findText to "string1"
> set replaceText to "string2"
> tell application "AlphaX"
> DoScript "eval replaceText " & "[search -r 0 " & findText & " " &
> "[minPos]]" & " " & "{" & replaceText & "}"
> end tell
> However, if string2 is supposed to be empty, then it must be specified
> as
> set replaceText to "{}"
> and if string1 is embraced like "{sync}", then it has to be specified
> as
> set findText to "{string1}"
> Thus, the optimal syntax is
> set findText to "{string1}"
> set replaceText to "{string2}"
> tell application "AlphaX"
> DoScript "eval replaceText " & "[search -r 0 " & findText & " " &
> "[minPos]]" & " " & "{" & replaceText & "}"
> end tell
> where string1 is the literal string you are looking for and string2
> can be empty.
> Claus
> On Jan 6, 2005, at 12:26, Joachim Kock wrote:
>>> Knowing another tcl command would be helpful. It doesn't affect
>>> Flashmode itself but one the accompanying scripts: finding and
>>> removing
>>> a string in the front window, in short writing
>>> find "string"
>>> replace by ""
>> Assuming that the string is a literal string (not a regexp), the
>> AlphaTcl
>> command would be
>> eval replaceText [search -r 0 -- $findPat [minPos]] {""}
>> where $findPat is the string you want to delete.
>> (The -r 0 flag means literal string, not regexp. (The command minPos
>> returns the numerical value of the start position of the document.
>> This is
>> always 0 in AlphaX, but it is 1.0 in AlphaTk, because it uses the Tk
>> text
>> rendering engine. By using minPos instead of 0, you make sure the
>> script
>> will work cross platform.) If no match is found an error is raised.
>> The
>> -- means 'end of options' for search, and is only needed if the
>> $findPat
>> starts with a hyphen. I know that -- means something else in
>> AppleScript
>> so if there is any trouble with that, and if you know that the search
>> string does not start with - then you can omit --. (The eval command
>> has
>> the effect of 'unpacking' the list returned by search into two
>> arguments,
>> as required by replaceText, and the empty string "" is protected by
>> {} in
>> order not to be evaluated.))
>> Cheers,
>> Joachim.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
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