[OS X TeX] TeX is not for the faint of heart

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Tue May 4 15:44:07 CEST 2004

This still idiot-install does not quite understand what is meant by 
documentation. If it is something I would have liked to read when I 
first used i-Installer, I would help if only as a guinea pig. I have 
lost my initial "innocence" but am still raw enough.

If it is, then I already have two suggestions

    1. It should have a very explicit title. Maybe just READ ME!!!!!! or
    perhaps Read Me Or You Will Scream In Frustration or perhaps For The
    Install-Idiot. Etc.

    2. It should contain a description of i. what each package does, ii.
    under what circumstances it is to be installed and iii. whether it
    will be used automatically, behind the scene, or if the user will
    have to do something and what that something is going to be.

At this stage, not much detail is necessary. On the other hand, what is 
a user to do with "wvWare /MS Word Conversion/" The italicized does not 
belong in the name and should be expanded just a bit in the document.

Actually, if the document is in the above spirit, I would be willing to 
have my arm twisted and to help not just by reading but also by writing 
from the viewpoint of the install-idiot.


Will Robertson wrote:

> Oh, three more things:
> * I'm not twisting anyone's arm to help me out :) I was just saying if 
> you want it soon I may or may not be able to have it done. Probably not.
> * There would be a very brief intro into the structure of the TeX 
> distribution so that documentation (when installed) can be browsed.
> * Add a section about tex4ht, latex2rtf, rtf2latex, etc. Give brief 
> instruction how to use them from the command line (or quickly invent 
> some TeXShop applescripts).
> Will
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guidelines, information, and LaTeX/TeX resources.

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