[OS X TeX] TeX is not for the faint of heart

Will Robertson will at mecheng.adelaide.edu.au
Tue May 4 13:04:00 CEST 2004

Oh, three more things:

* I'm not twisting anyone's arm to help me out :) I was just saying if 
you want it soon I may or may not be able to have it done. Probably not.

* There would be a very brief intro into the structure of the TeX 
distribution so that documentation (when installed) can be browsed.

* Add a section about tex4ht, latex2rtf, rtf2latex, etc. Give brief 
instruction how to use them from the command line (or quickly invent 
some TeXShop applescripts).

Please see <http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/> for list
guidelines, information, and LaTeX/TeX resources.

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