[OS X TeX] parindent in asparaenum

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Sun Dec 5 01:32:52 CET 2004

Well, thanks again to all.
As the French say, "la curiosité est un vilain défaut" and, I guess, 
even academic curiosity is not always to be recommended.
I had looked at the paralist doc but it didn't seem to enlighten me. As 
for the Guide 4ed, I had missed page 556.
So, no more questions and thanks.

Herb Schulz wrote:

>On 12/4/04 2:51 PM, "Alain Schremmer" <Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net> wrote:
>>More "academic" curiosity:
>>(1) If
>>\parindent was set to 0pt somewhere
>>where would I have to look and/or what would I search for?
>Looking at the definition of asparenum in paralist it looks like it is just
>using the standard \parindent value.
>>(2) What is the difference between
>>\setlength{\listparindent}{1em} right after entering the environment
>>and Moore's
>>\def\indent{\hglue .3cm}%
>\listparindent is a length that is supposed to be the indent of succeeding
>paragraphs within a list item (see the diagram on page 556 of `Guide to
>LaTeX' 4th Edition). It is taken care of automatically without having to say
>\indent explicitly before every successive paragraph within an \item.
>\indent is a command that puts an unstretchable horizontal glue of .3cm, in
>your \def above, at that point; you must put this at the start of every
>paragraph you want indented.
>>(3) I don't really understand
>>Assuming there is some use of the basic list environment in its definition I
>>think that is supposed to be the indent of secondary paragraph in a list.
>>In particular what does the "its" refer to?
>>For reference, I am using paralist's Asparaenum.
>``Its'' refers to the definition of the asparaenum environment in the
>paralist package.
>Oh well, I just tried my idea out and it didn't seem to work so it's back to
>the drawing board.
>Good Luck,
>Herb Schulz
>(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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