Why GS 7 ? [Was: Re: [OS X TeX] New version of TeX]

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Wed Sep 25 15:10:30 CEST 2002

On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 08:58  AM, Maarten Sneep wrote:

> On 25-Sep-02 Michael Murray wrote:
>> Are there reasons for choosing 7 instead of 6 ? If so how do I do it 
>> with
>> Gerben's teTeX? Do I have to download 7 with Fink and set TeXShop to 
>> use 7?
> Reasons for switching to GS7: security (postscript is a programming 
> language,
> and can do harm) better (more conformant) quality of the resulting pdf 
> (smaller)

In addition, GS7 fixes a nasty bug in GS6 regarding the rendering of 
gradients. Most of our Illustrator images have gradients and they 
rendered painfully slow with GS6. They now render and display nicely in 
GS7 and Jaguar.

> Of course Gerben has a ii-package at url:
> http://www.ntg.nl/macosx-tex/i-packages/gs7.ii
> all packages can be found at: http://www.rna.nl/ii.html
> WARNING: remove GS6 before installing GS7

I did not do this when I originally went from 6 to 7 (many months ago) 
-- I simply installed 7 over 6. I haven't had any problems. Why does 
this need to be done?

Best regards,

-- Gary L. Gray

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