Why GS 7 ? [Was: Re: [OS X TeX] New version of TeX]

Maarten Sneep sneep at nat.vu.nl
Wed Sep 25 14:58:42 CEST 2002

On 25-Sep-02 Michael Murray wrote:
> Are there reasons for choosing 7 instead of 6 ? If so how do I do it with
> Gerben's teTeX? Do I have to download 7 with Fink and set TeXShop to use 7?

Reasons for switching to GS7: security (postscript is a programming language,
and can do harm) better (more conformant) quality of the resulting pdf (smaller)

Of course Gerben has a ii-package at url:

all packages can be found at: http://www.rna.nl/ii.html

WARNING: remove GS6 before installing GS7

Kind regards,

Maarten Sneep

A prune isn't really a vegetable... Cabbage is a vegetable

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