[OS X TeX] Unicode and TexShop, iTexMac

Jérôme Laurens jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Tue Oct 15 09:22:18 CEST 2002

Le lundi, 14 oct 2002, à 15:06 Europe/Zurich, Cyril Niklaus a écrit :

> On Monday, October 14, 2002, at 05:07 PM, Jérôme Laurens wrote:
>> Please notice that iTeXMac provides support for UTF-8, and all other 
>> encodings in Mac OS X: there is help available, I hope
> Glad to discover that, and thanks for the plist. Now on to the 
> nitpicking:
> with document:
> \documentclass[11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{ucs}
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> \begin{document}
> Avad\={a}na \\
> Avadāna
> \end{document}
> I've added the plist, and opened my test file, changed the string 
> encoding to utf-8, typed a few letters with the extended unicode 
> keyboard, saved, compiled: all perfect: displays fine both in the 
> editor and in the preview.
> Close the document, reopen it: first problem: the letters are not what 
> they should be:
> ie the "a macron" is now a "ā", and the string encoding claims it's 
> western-mac. If I compile,  things are balmy though. If I change the 
> encoding back to utf-8, compilation coughs on : "
> ! Package ucs Error: Unknown Unicode character 402 = U+0192,
> (ucs)                possibly declared in uni-1.def.
> (ucs)                Type H to see if it is available with options.
> See the ucs package documentation for explanation.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>  ...
> l.6 Avad^^c6^^92
>                  ^^c3^^85na
> ? h
> Unicode character 402 = U+0192:
> Character is not defined in uni-*.def files.
> Enter I!<RET> to define the glyph.
> "
> If I erase the ā and replace it with the "a macron", things again are 
> fine.
> Am I right in guessing that the editor does not pay attention to the 
> string encoding when opening files, and thus messes them up (at least 
> visually, since they still compile correctly?), and when restating the 
> unicode nature of the text, the messed-up diacritics get in the way.
> It's bugging me, as the point of using unicode was (to me) to get a 
> more visually readable text in the first palce, so if my diacritics 
> TeX-style are to be replaced by other, less readeable characters...
> De toute manière, merci pour un programme bien pratique,
> Cyril
You are right. There is no way for an editor to guess what is the 
encoding used, except when explictely explain inside the file itself.

iTeXMac has a preferred string encoding. If you it to read a file with 
a different encoding, just add the line

%!iTeXMac(encoding): UTF-8

in the very beginning of your source file.

However, the first time you save the file, you MUST set the actual 
string encoding.

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