[OS X TeX] dvips print to file

Steffen Lund Hokland hokland at phys.au.dk
Fri Nov 15 11:46:54 CET 2002


Just a quick (stupid) question. I've installed teTeX with Gerbens 
excellent iIntsaller. I need to create a postscript file from the dvi 
file, but I don't know how.
dvips foo.dvi
pipes the result foo.ps to lpr, and then deletes it.
Is there an option to dvips '-something' so that it prints to the file 
foo.ps and leaves it be?


Steffen Lund Hokland

University of Aarhus
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ny Munkegade
8000 Aarhus C
Denmark, Europe

office      :           520-227

Phone Office:           +45 89423610
Phone Home  :           +45 86166608

e-mail      :           hokland at phys.au.dk

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