MacOSX-TeX Digest #275 - 03/26/02
TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List
MacOSX-TeX at
Wed Mar 27 02:00:01 CET 2002
MacOSX-TeX Digest #275 - Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
by "M. Tamer Özsu" <tozsu at>
My answer:Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
by "Joseph Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Mathtime (again; sorry !)
by "Marie Nielse" <n.marie at>
Rép : [OS X TeX] Mathtime (again; sorry !)
by "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Search for pdf editor
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distrib
by "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distrib
by "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distrib
by "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistrib
by "Benji Fisher" <benji at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
by "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistrib
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
synchronize laptop and desktop
by "Donal Day" <dbd at>
Re: [OS X TeX] synchronize laptop and desktop
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distrib
by "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Fonts included with Textures?
by "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
by "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Re: [OS X TeX] synchronize laptop and desktop
by "Philippe Lelédy" <phl at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistribu
by "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
by "Gary L. Gray" <gray at>
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
From: "M. Tamer Özsu" <tozsu at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:42:37 -0500
On 3/25/02 2:00 PM, "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at> wrote:
> I meant mathptm and mathptmx.
> OC
> On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 12:54 PM, Oscar Chavez wrote:
>> What is the difference between mathpm and mathpmx? I just tried the
>> latter, and it seems to work just fine.
Can I please learn where to get these from and how to install them under
TexShop and Tetex?
Subject: My answer:Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
From: "Joseph Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:36:40 -0500
To make a stand alone pdf file from a mp file is actually pretty simple
(isn't everything once you know how?).
First, I had to
sudo texexec --pdf mprun.tex
Then, mpost the mp file
Then, mptopdf the file resulting from the mp.
You this uses ConTeXt transparently to the user.
On Friday, March 22, 2002, at 05:03 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
> I've tried using metapost to generate eps files, convert them to pdf,
> and embed them into pdflatex, but the text doesn't show up in the eps
> or the pdf file. Going the old latex->dvi->ps->pdf works fine, but I'd
> like to stick to pdflatex if possible (I'm getting comfortable with
> it). Is there another way at it using metapost (like metapdf?).
> thanks,
> Joe
> __________________________________________________
> Joseph C. Slater, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
> 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
> Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Mathtime (again; sorry !)
From: "Marie Nielse" <n.marie at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:01:37 +0100
I bought Mathtime fonts from Bluesky Research several days ago for use
{OS X ,Tetex, TeXShop}, but have no idea what TeTex expects to be
In the CD, i've MTEX,MTSY et RTMI Poscript Fonts and the mathtime
Is it possible tu use this fonts ? and how ?
Thanks Marie Nielse
Subject: Rép : [OS X TeX] Mathtime (again; sorry !)
From: "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 11:20:15 +0100
Here's the copy of a message sent this morning. In case other people on
this list speak French and wonder about how to install the MathTime
Basic (aka 1.1) font set under TeXShop/teTeX and tell TeXShop/teTeX to
use these fonts without looking for the MathTime Complete set (=
MathTime Basic + MathTime Plus).
This situation arises, in particular, if you purchased MathTime fonts
from Blue Sky Research or got them with Textures : Blue Sky Research
sells only MathTime Basic, while teTeX assumes you got MathTime Complete.
Another solution is to purchase MathTime Complete (or just MathTime
Plus) from Y&Y, in .pfb format. Then you only have to create the folder
~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/mathtime, and put the .pfb files there.
Hope this helps,
Bruno Voisin
> De : Bruno Voisin <Bruno.Voisin at>
> Date : Mar 26 mar 2002 10:55:45 AM Europe/Paris
> À : Marie Nielse <n.marie at>
> Objet : Rép : Mathtime
>> Je suis désolée de vous importuner mais comme sur la liste OS X TeX
>> vous êtes intervenu plusieurs fois sur Mathtime , je tente ma chance
>> afin que quelqu'un me sorte d'un mauvais pas.
> Aucun problème !
>> Voilà je viens d'acheter les polices Mathtime de Bluesky que j'avais
>> utilisées autrefois avec Textures sans problème mais je travaille
>> actuellement sous X avec Tetex et TexShop. Je ne sais pas si je peux
>> utiliser ces fontes. Je suis donc en possession des fontes postscript
>> MTEX, MTSY et RMTMI ainsi qu'une valise de métrics. J'ai réussi à
>> faire des fichiers .pfb avec t1utils .
>> Je ne sais plus quoi faire et surtout comment obtenir les métrics en
>> .tfm et ou les mettre?
> (1) Les bonnes nouvelles
> Le plus gros du boulot est fait. Les fichiers métriques .tfm sont déjà
> installés avec teTeX dans :
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/yandy/mathtime
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/yandy/mathplus
> ainsi que les fichiers de définitions de polices .fd et les paquets
> LaTeX .sty correspondants dans :
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/mathtime
> et les fichiers de macros .tex pour leur utilisation avec plain TeX
> dans :
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/plain/mathtime
> dvips et pdfTeX savent déjà comment utiliser ces polices, ils ont les
> instructions correspondantes dans :
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips/config/
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips/config/
> La doc est elle aussi incluse, sous la forme de :
> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/doc/latex/mathtime/mathtime.dvi
> La valise métrique issue de Textures est inutile, elles reprend les
> informations des fichiers .tfm et .map
> (2) Les mauvaises nouvelles
> Les fichiers LaTeX inclus dans teTeX supposent que l'on est en
> possession de la distribution MathTime complète (MathTime 1.1 +
> MathTime Plus). Comme vous, je n'ai que la distribution originale
> (MathTime 1.1), qui est la seule vendue par Blue Sky Research. Il y a
> donc deux solutions :
> - acheter les polices MathTime Plus auprès de Y&Y
> <>. Cela permet d'avoir accès au symboles
> mathématiques gras italiques, entre autres. S'il vous est possible
> d'acheter ces polices, je pense que c'est de loin la meilleure
> solution. Un message à cette liste ces jours derniers mentionnait Y&Y,
> il faut spécifier que l'on souhaite les fontes au format .pfb, qui est
> disponible en ligne (et non Macintosh, qui correspond à Mac OS 9 et
> n'est disponible que sur disquette) ;
> - ou récupérer le fichier .dtx de support LaTeX pour MathTime, et
> régénérer les fichiers .sty et .fd après avoir spécifié que l'on ne
> dispose pas des polices MathTime Plus. Quod feci !
> (3) En pratique
> - Créer un dossier ~/Library/texmf, s'il n'existe pas déjà.
> - Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/mathtime et y
> mettre les fichiers .pfb.
> - Télécharger le dossier <
> archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/psnfssx/mathtime/>.
> - Ouvrir mathtime.ins et dé-commenter la ligne :
> %\def\mtplus{}
> puis compiler ce fichier avec LaTeX.
> - Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/mathtime et y mettre
> les fichiers .sty et .fd générés par LaTeX. Cela indique à TeXShop
> (c'est-à-dire teTeX) de lire ces fichiers plutôt que ceux fournis par
> défaut avec teTeX.
> - (Optionnel) Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/doc/latex/mathtime
> et y mettre mathtime.dtx et mathtime.txt.
> Voilà, ça devrait (?) marcher !
> Bon courage,
> Bruno Voisin
Subject: Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 14:44:23 +0100
My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will ship within
the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an informational website. As
I tell people on my web site that one can use a front end to make life
easier and that that front end may or may not use my distribution, I can
point people to your front end home page and I will add any front end
for Mac OS X that is out there if the supplier wants to be added
('competition' included) and it is being maintained. I will not link to
unix-level stuff like fink, just because my target is the non-unix
If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Search for pdf editor
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 08:48:48 -0500
Costa Colbert said:
>I have had very little success with Pitstop. I actually maintain a 3.3
Nextstep machine to >keep Tailor alive. The ENFOCUS folks seem unable to
understand that their new products seem >greatly inferior to their old. A
real shame.
As I said previously, I don't think this is so much a matter of their lack
of desire / ability, but of inherent limitations in what's doable as an
Acrobat plug-in. Tailor got a lot ``for free'' as a NeXTstep app, and when
it was ported to Mac OS as a stand-alone app, it was as a QuickDraw/GX app,
the API of which provided those same things---AFAICT Acrobat simply lacks
these features, or the programming room to make them happen, if these
things were provided for free,
1 - Adobe wouldn't sell as many copies of Illustrator,
2 - everyone's plug-ins would offer these features.
I've been hoping Enfocus would revive Tailor for OS X, and have been
meaning to contact them about this (I desperately want a viable
alternative to FreeHand)
William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
From: "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 09:07:55 -0500
Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
For editors:
I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 08:44 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
> My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will ship within
> the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an informational website.
> As I tell people on my web site that one can use a front end to make
> life easier and that that front end may or may not use my distribution,
> I can point people to your front end home page and I will add any front
> end for Mac OS X that is out there if the supplier wants to be added
> ('competition' included) and it is being maintained. I will not link to
> unix-level stuff like fink, just because my target is the non-unix
> people.
> If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
> G
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph C. Slater, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
From: "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:15:17 +0100
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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and don't forget:
coco Aspell:
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 03:07 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
> Obviously
> TeXShop(,
> iTeXMac(
> Others:
> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
> EquationService:
> For editors:
> Mac-Emacs:
> Pepper:
> Alpha:
> Vim:
> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
> Joe
> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 08:44 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>> My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will ship within
>> the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an informational website.
>> As I tell people on my web site that one can use a front end to make
>> life easier and that that front end may or may not use my
>> distribution, I can point people to your front end home page and I
>> will add any front end for Mac OS X that is out there if the supplier
>> wants to be added ('competition' included) and it is being maintained.
>> I will not link to unix-level stuff like fink, just because my target
>> is the non-unix people.
>> If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
>> G
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
>> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
>> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> __________________________________________________
> Joseph C. Slater, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
> 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
> Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;
and don't forget:
coco Aspell:
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 03:07 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
For editors:
I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 08:44 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
<excerpt>My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will
ship within the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an
informational website. As I tell people on my web site that one can
use a front end to make life easier and that that front end may or may
not use my distribution, I can point people to your front end home
page and I will add any front end for Mac OS X that is out there if
the supplier wants to be added ('competition' included) and it is
being maintained. I will not link to unix-level stuff like fink, just
because my target is the non-unix people.
If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <<info at> with
"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
For additional HELP, send email to <<info at> with
"help" (no quotes) in the body.
Joseph C. Slater, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <<info at> with
"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
For additional HELP, send email to <<info at> with
"help" (no quotes) in the body.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
From: "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 09:44:06 -0500
Most of the links below have already been compiled and extensively
documented by our list host, Gary Gray, at:
Maybe, we could coordinate, or restrict the front-end information to
just "front-ends" such as TeXShop, iTeXMac, OzTeX, and CMacTeX.
We don't really have a informational website on specifically teTeX
unix-based tools for OSX. Useful utilities like a bibtool FAQ,
ImageMagick [for image conversions], font utilities, and a host of other
extremely useful tools that we may not be aware that easily compile and
work out-of-the-box. These utilities pertain to the teTeX side of
things, and not really to the above front-ends. Would be nice .... :-)
[But I understand how Gerben feels too]
What would be really nice, if we could start a MacOSX-specific FAQ that
we could just keep adding to in this mailing-list...
- Arun
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 09:15 AM, Ullrich Steiner wrote:
> and don't forget:
> coco Aspell:
> BibDesk:
> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 03:07 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
>> Obviously
>> TeXShop(,
>> iTeXMac(
>> Others:
>> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
>> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
>> EquationService:
>> For editors:
>> Mac-Emacs:
>> Pepper:
>> Alpha:
>> Vim:
>> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
>> Joe
>> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 08:44 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>>> My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will ship within
>>> the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an informational website.
>>> As I tell people on my web site that one can use a front end to make
>>> life easier and that that front end may or may not use my
>>> distribution, I can point people to your front end home page and I
>>> will add any front end for Mac OS X that is out there if the supplier
>>> wants to be added ('competition' included) and it is being
>>> maintained. I will not link to unix-level stuff like fink, just
>>> because my target is the non-unix people.
>>> If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
>>> G
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
>>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
>>> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
>>> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> __________________________________________________
>> Joseph C. Slater, PhD
>> Associate Professor
>> Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
>> 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
>> Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
>> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
>> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistribution (or not)
From: "Benji Fisher" <benji at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 09:49:30 -0500
"Joseph C. Slater" wrote:
> Obviously
> TeXShop(,
> iTeXMac(
> Others:
> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
> EquationService:
> For editors:
> Mac-Emacs:
> Pepper:
> Alpha:
> Vim:
> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
> Joe
I am glad to see some interest in Vim on this list. The URL above
does not seem to work for me. I maintain binaries of Vim for Mac OS X
(Carbon) at
Version 6.1 was released a few days ago, and I will post a new binary
later this week (I hope). For general information on Vim, see
There is currently an effort to put together a comprehensive collection
of TeX add-ons for vim. I will post a link after I have had a chance to
test these on OS X.
--Benji Fisher
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
From: "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 09:04:21 -0600
They come with TeXShop already, just use
and you're ready to go.
Oscar Chávez
On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 07:42 PM, M. Tamer Özsu wrote:
> Can I please learn where to get these from and how to install them under
> TexShop and Tetex?
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistribution (or not)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 16:37:23 +0100
People, people! Please! I don't want to copy Gary's work. And the
request was for Frontend suppliers. I only am going to put links on my
list if they *want* to be on it. Maybe they don't like to be associated
with me ;-)
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 03:49 , Benji Fisher wrote:
> "Joseph C. Slater" wrote:
>> Obviously
>> TeXShop(,
>> iTeXMac(
>> Others:
>> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
>> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
>> EquationService:
>> For editors:
>> Mac-Emacs:
>> Pepper:
>> Alpha:
>> Vim:
>> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
>> Joe
> I am glad to see some interest in Vim on this list. The URL above
> does not seem to work for me. I maintain binaries of Vim for Mac OS X
> (Carbon) at
> Version 6.1 was released a few days ago, and I will post a new binary
> later this week (I hope). For general information on Vim, see
> There is currently an effort to put together a comprehensive collection
> of TeX add-ons for vim. I will post a link after I have had a chance to
> test these on OS X.
> --Benji Fisher
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: synchronize laptop and desktop
From: "Donal Day" <dbd at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 11:07:39 -0500
I have TeXShop, tetex, etc intalled on my desktop. Is there a mechanism
(script) whereby I can create the same installation on my laptop without
repeating the steps of downloading, installing, etc?
Is there a Unix tools that can make the disks on both machines
Donal Day
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Department of Physics
University of Virginia
382 McCormick Rd.
P.O Box 400714
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4714
434 924 6566 434 924 4576 (FAX)
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] synchronize laptop and desktop
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 11:21:37 -0500
Donal Day asked:
>I have TeXShop, tetex, etc intalled on my desktop. Is there a
>(script) whereby I can create the same installation on my laptop
>repeating the steps of downloading, installing, etc?
Do you mean the whole OS? If so, I'm not 100% sure you'd want to do
this---I believe some of the .kext (kernel extension &c.) and their
settings are machine specific.
For just TeXShop, tetex, etc., it should just be a matter of drag /
This site should get you started though:
>Is there a Unix tools that can make the disks on both machines
ditto is for this, I believe.
However, if you're inclined, you could probably connect your laptop in
Firewire Target Disk Mode to your desktop, then create symlinks to the
appropriate directories, and always have everything on the laptop and
(who is _finally_ getting a pen slate system (Intel :( (and eventually a
docking station) so that he can just always carry everything with him.
I'd give my interest in hell for Apple to've made the G4 iMac with a
detachable display w/ battery, processor, storage and pen input w/
handwriting and gesture recognition in the OS)
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeX distribution (or not)
From: "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:10:52 -0500
The site isn't getting updated regularly anymore, so it is missing many
of the newer developments. Gary did a great job for quite some time, but
he seems to have made the mistake of thinking that he has a day job. ;)
I don't know what he plans for the future. He did such a wonderful
detailed timely job that I don't think there are lot of volunteers to
pick up where he left off (ok, so I'm trolling).
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 09:44 AM, Arun Mangalam wrote:
> Most of the links below have already been compiled and extensively
> documented by our list host, Gary Gray, at:
> Maybe, we could coordinate, or restrict the front-end information to
> just "front-ends" such as TeXShop, iTeXMac, OzTeX, and CMacTeX.
> We don't really have a informational website on specifically teTeX
> unix-based tools for OSX. Useful utilities like a bibtool FAQ,
> ImageMagick [for image conversions], font utilities, and a host of
> other extremely useful tools that we may not be aware that easily
> compile and work out-of-the-box. These utilities pertain to the teTeX
> side of things, and not really to the above front-ends. Would be
> nice .... :-) [But I understand how Gerben feels too]
> What would be really nice, if we could start a MacOSX-specific FAQ that
> we could just keep adding to in this mailing-list...
> - Arun
> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 09:15 AM, Ullrich Steiner wrote:
>> and don't forget:
>> coco Aspell:
>> BibDesk:
>> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 03:07 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
>>> Obviously
>>> TeXShop(,
>>> iTeXMac(
>>> Others:
>>> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
>>> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
>>> EquationService:
>>> For editors:
>>> Mac-Emacs:
>>> Pepper:
>>> Alpha:
>>> Vim:
>>> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
>>> Joe
>>> On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 08:44 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>>>> My TeX distributions (and generic installer program) will ship
>>>> within the next 48 hours or so. There will also be an informational
>>>> website. As I tell people on my web site that one can use a front
>>>> end to make life easier and that that front end may or may not use
>>>> my distribution, I can point people to your front end home page and
>>>> I will add any front end for Mac OS X that is out there if the
>>>> supplier wants to be added ('competition' included) and it is being
>>>> maintained. I will not link to unix-level stuff like fink, just
>>>> because my target is the non-unix people.
>>>> If you want me to do that, please let me know what link I should add.
>>>> G
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> __________________________________________________
>>> Joseph C. Slater, PhD
>>> Associate Professor
>>> Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
>>> 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
>>> Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
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>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
>>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
>>> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
>>> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph C. Slater, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
Subject: Fonts included with Textures?
From: "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 12:29:51 -0600
Tuesday, 26 March 2002
I had purchased Textures before OS X had been released, when I was just
learning TeX. I really like the Lucida Grande font, and would somehow
like to include that font in my documents. I have since moved to teTeX
in conjunction with TeXShop, and was wondering whether the necessary
files to install a Lucida Grande font might be included on the Textures
disk I still have lying around. I remember Gary awhile ago posting
something to this affect, where he had gotten a Lucida family installed
into his teTeX installation.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 04:20 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:
> Here's the copy of a message sent this morning. In case other people on
> this list speak French and wonder about how to install the MathTime
> Basic (aka 1.1) font set under TeXShop/teTeX and tell TeXShop/teTeX to
> use these fonts without looking for the MathTime Complete set (=
> MathTime Basic + MathTime Plus).
> This situation arises, in particular, if you purchased MathTime fonts
> from Blue Sky Research or got them with Textures : Blue Sky Research
> sells only MathTime Basic, while teTeX assumes you got MathTime
> Complete.
> Another solution is to purchase MathTime Complete (or just MathTime
> Plus) from Y&Y, in .pfb format. Then you only have to create the folder
> ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/mathtime, and put the .pfb files
> there.
> Hope this helps,
> Bruno Voisin
>> De : Bruno Voisin <Bruno.Voisin at>
>> Date : Mar 26 mar 2002 10:55:45 AM Europe/Paris
>> À : Marie Nielse <n.marie at>
>> Objet : Rép : Mathtime
>>> Je suis désolée de vous importuner mais comme sur la liste OS X TeX
>>> vous êtes intervenu plusieurs fois sur Mathtime , je tente ma chance
>>> afin que quelqu'un me sorte d'un mauvais pas.
>> Aucun problème !
>>> Voilà je viens d'acheter les polices Mathtime de Bluesky que j'avais
>>> utilisées autrefois avec Textures sans problème mais je travaille
>>> actuellement sous X avec Tetex et TexShop. Je ne sais pas si je peux
>>> utiliser ces fontes. Je suis donc en possession des fontes postscript
>>> MTEX, MTSY et RMTMI ainsi qu'une valise de métrics. J'ai réussi à
>>> faire des fichiers .pfb avec t1utils .
>>> Je ne sais plus quoi faire et surtout comment obtenir les métrics en
>>> .tfm et ou les mettre?
>> (1) Les bonnes nouvelles
>> Le plus gros du boulot est fait. Les fichiers métriques .tfm sont déjà
>> installés avec teTeX dans :
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/yandy/mathtime
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/yandy/mathplus
>> ainsi que les fichiers de définitions de polices .fd et les paquets
>> LaTeX .sty correspondants dans :
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/mathtime
>> et les fichiers de macros .tex pour leur utilisation avec plain TeX
>> dans :
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/plain/mathtime
>> dvips et pdfTeX savent déjà comment utiliser ces polices, ils ont les
>> instructions correspondantes dans :
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips/config/
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips/config/
>> La doc est elle aussi incluse, sous la forme de :
>> /Library/teTeX/share/texmf/doc/latex/mathtime/mathtime.dvi
>> La valise métrique issue de Textures est inutile, elles reprend les
>> informations des fichiers .tfm et .map
>> (2) Les mauvaises nouvelles
>> Les fichiers LaTeX inclus dans teTeX supposent que l'on est en
>> possession de la distribution MathTime complète (MathTime 1.1 +
>> MathTime Plus). Comme vous, je n'ai que la distribution originale
>> (MathTime 1.1), qui est la seule vendue par Blue Sky Research. Il y a
>> donc deux solutions :
>> - acheter les polices MathTime Plus auprès de Y&Y
>> <>. Cela permet d'avoir accès au symboles
>> mathématiques gras italiques, entre autres. S'il vous est possible
>> d'acheter ces polices, je pense que c'est de loin la meilleure
>> solution. Un message à cette liste ces jours derniers mentionnait Y&Y,
>> il faut spécifier que l'on souhaite les fontes au format .pfb, qui est
>> disponible en ligne (et non Macintosh, qui correspond à Mac OS 9 et
>> n'est disponible que sur disquette) ;
>> - ou récupérer le fichier .dtx de support LaTeX pour MathTime, et
>> régénérer les fichiers .sty et .fd après avoir spécifié que l'on ne
>> dispose pas des polices MathTime Plus. Quod feci !
>> (3) En pratique
>> - Créer un dossier ~/Library/texmf, s'il n'existe pas déjà.
>> - Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/mathtime et
>> y mettre les fichiers .pfb.
>> - Télécharger le dossier <
>> archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/psnfssx/mathtime/>.
>> - Ouvrir mathtime.ins et dé-commenter la ligne :
>> %\def\mtplus{}
>> puis compiler ce fichier avec LaTeX.
>> - Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/mathtime et y mettre
>> les fichiers .sty et .fd générés par LaTeX. Cela indique à TeXShop
>> (c'est-à-dire teTeX) de lire ces fichiers plutôt que ceux fournis par
>> défaut avec teTeX.
>> - (Optionnel) Créer un sous-dossier ~/Library/texmf/doc/latex/mathtime
>> et y mettre mathtime.dtx et mathtime.txt.
>> Voilà, ça devrait (?) marcher !
>> Bon courage,
>> Bruno Voisin
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
From: "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 19:40:02 +0100
> I had purchased Textures before OS X had been released, when I was just
> learning TeX. I really like the Lucida Grande font, and would somehow
> like to include that font in my documents. I have since moved to teTeX
> in conjunction with TeXShop, and was wondering whether the necessary
> files to install a Lucida Grande font might be included on the Textures
> disk I still have lying around. I remember Gary awhile ago posting
> something to this affect, where he had gotten a Lucida family installed
> into his teTeX installation.
Assuming you purchased the Lucida Bright/NewMath/Expert fonts from BSR
or Y&Y specifically, yes you can use them with TeXShop. They are not
included on the Textures CD (neither are MathTime), and I don't think
it's possible to use the Lucida Grande fonts included in OS X with TeX.
If you have the fonts: I don't have the time right now, but I think
there have been postings by Michael Murray and Gary Gray about their
installation with TeXShop, some while ago. I'm not familiar with
searching mailing lists, but I think Gary has added this functionality
to the list archive.
Bruno Voisin (in a rush)
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] synchronize laptop and desktop
From: "Philippe Lelédy" <phl at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 19:51:31 +0100
I like using unisson, a sophisticated tool to maintain 2 directories in
It uses an Unix shell on both side, transport is being made by ssh.
It needs ocaml (install via fink). I think you don't need Dev tools to
compile unisson.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Request for front end suppliers who rely on my TeXdistribution (or not)
From: "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:59:59 -0500
I'm playing around with a lot of editors. I don't know what I like best.
There are so many good options, it's almost a problem!
On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 09:49 AM, Benji Fisher wrote:
> "Joseph C. Slater" wrote:
>> Obviously
>> TeXShop(,
>> iTeXMac(
>> Others:
>> Tom Kiffe's TeX Tools for Mac OS X
>> Andrew Trevorrow's OzTeX (Which is adding tetex calls)
>> EquationService:
>> For editors:
>> Mac-Emacs:
>> Pepper:
>> Alpha:
>> Vim:
>> I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is a good start.
>> Joe
> I am glad to see some interest in Vim on this list. The URL above
> does not seem to work for me. I maintain binaries of Vim for Mac OS X
> (Carbon) at
> Version 6.1 was released a few days ago, and I will post a new binary
> later this week (I hope). For general information on Vim, see
> There is currently an effort to put together a comprehensive collection
> of TeX add-ons for vim. I will post a link after I have had a chance to
> test these on OS X.
> --Benji Fisher
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph C. Slater, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University,
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435
Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009,
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 14:36:51 -0500
Zachary Davis said:
>...I have since moved to teTeX
>in conjunction with TeXShop, and was wondering whether the necessary
>files to install a Lucida Grande font might be included on the Textures
>disk I still have lying around.
Lucida Grande is a relatively new member of the Lucida family (in terms
of having been made available to the public), and proprietary to Apple,
so won't be in covered in the standard Lucida install.
Either converting it to a pc format .ttf, or a PostScript Type 1 .pfb
will allow one to use normal methods for installing it for use with
tetex---lots of docs around for this (arguably too many)
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Fonts included with Textures?
From: "Gary L. Gray" <gray at>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 17:44:48 -0500
On 3/26/02 1:29 PM, "Zachary Davis" <zsd3711 at> wrote:
> I had purchased Textures before OS X had been released, when I was just
> learning TeX. I really like the Lucida Grande font, and would somehow
> like to include that font in my documents. I have since moved to teTeX
> in conjunction with TeXShop, and was wondering whether the necessary
> files to install a Lucida Grande font might be included on the Textures
> disk I still have lying around. I remember Gary awhile ago posting
> something to this affect, where he had gotten a Lucida family installed
> into his teTeX installation.
Here are some details on the installation of the Lucida Bright family (I
assume that is what you are referring to -- if not, I apologize):
[1] Take your existing Lucida fonts and convert them to .pfb files using Tom
Kiffe's conversion utility. You can find it at:
You will want to open his "essential" AppleScript "lwfn2pfb script txt" in
the Script Editor and save it as an application so that you can drag and
drop your fonts on it for conversion. This AppleScript will call the CMacTeX
binary "t1utils", so be sure you have that too. After creating the
AppleScript, drag and drop all 41 of your Lucida fonts onto the AppleScript
and after a few seconds, 41 .pfb files will appear (you will have 41 if you
have the entire Lucida set from Y&Y).
[2] You will now need to rename those new .pfb files. Here is a list of the
the new names and the corresponding old names:
New Old
=== ===
lbc LucidCalIta
lbd LucidBriDem
lbdsc LucidBriSmaDem
lbdi LucidBriDemIta
lbh LucidHanIta
lbi LucidBriIta
lbki LucidCasIta
lbkr LucidCas
lbl LucidBla
lbma LucidNewMatArr
lbme LucidNewMatExt
lbmi LucidNewMatIta
lbmo LucidNewMatAltIta
lbms LucidNewMatSym
lbmsd LucidNewMatSymDem
lbr LucidBri
lbrsc LucidBriSma
lbsl LucidBriObl
lbtb LucidTypBol
lbtbo LucidTypBolObl
lbto LucidTypObl
lbtr LucidTyp
lfd LucidFaxDem
lfdi LucidFaxDemIta
lfi LucidFaxIta
lfr LucidFax
lsb LucidSanBol
lsbi LucidSanBolIta
lsd LucidSanDem
lsdi LucidSanDemIta
lsi LucidSanIta
lsr LucidSan
lstb LucidSanTypBol
lstbo LucidSanTypBolObl
lsto LucidSanTypObl
lstr LucidSanTyp
lbmad LucidNewMatArrDem
lbmd LucidNewMatDem
lbmdi LucidNewMatDemIta
lbmdo LucidNewMatAltDemIta
lbmr LucidNewMatRom
Be sure and leave the .pfb extensions on the renamed files.
[3] Once you have renamed the files, then you simply need to put them in the
right place. Put the .pfb files in the following places:
In: ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/lubright
In: ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/lucida
In: ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/lucidfax
In: ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/lucsans
In: ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/lumath
[4] Now it should work. Simply create a new LaTeX document and include
something like:
and you it should use the Lucida fonts. I know people don't like
attachments, so here is a nice summary of the options available:
Options for the lucidabr package (paraphrased from lucidabr.txt):
See lucidabr.txt for details on the package options.
To get the documentation for the lucidabr package, run TeX
(or LaTeX) on the file lucidabr.dtx and print the result.
The lucidabr package contains the code to support the Lucida Bright
and Lucida New Math fonts. You invoke it using
where the ... indicated optional arguments. This package supports
several options. The default options are:
(*) [noexpert] Lucida Bright Expert fonts *not* available
(*) [expert] Lucida Bright Expert fonts available (needed for bold math)
Special scaling has been set up for Lucida Bright fonts to control
the relative sizes of text and math fonts.
The default is to scale, but two options allow you to
revert to `normal' behaviour, or get even smaller.
(*) [lucidascale]
(*) [nolucidascale]
(*) [lucidasmallscale]
Choose style of letters in math. Italic3 is not really italic at all,
more a roman font with math spacing. Italic2 is not really
slanted but a different style of italic.
(*) [mathitalic1] % `alternate' math italic (lbmo) default
(*) [mathitalic2] % original math italic (lbmi)
(*) [mathitalic3] % upright `math italic' (lbmr)
Choose between slanted and upright lowercase Greek.
Uppercase Greek is always upright.
(*) [slantedgreek]
(*) [uprightgreek]
Define extra command names to access:
uppercase slanted Greek (\varGamma...)
lowercase upright Greek (\upalpha...)
Irrespective of whether \alpha is accessing upright or
slanted Greek alphabet.
(*) [vargreek]
Do not define individual command names to all the AMS
math symbols (and a few extra Lucida math symbols).
This makes this package emulate the amsfonts package rather
than the amssymbl package. It saves a lot of space for smaller
TeX systems. You can then just define commands for the symbols
you are going to use.
(*) [noamssymbols]
Font encoding for the operators font.
Normally this options does not need to be explicitly
given as the default is to use the current default text
encoding, so if \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} is used before
loading this package, T1 encoding will be used.
These options are similar to the ones provided by the
mathtime package. Note that when cm fonts are being used
the OT1 encoding is always used for the operators font
as it is required to access Greek in that case. However
Lucida Bright provides upper and lowercase Greek in the math fonts.
(*) [OT1] % TeX text
(*) [LY1] % TeX 'n ANSI
(*) [T1] % Cork
(*) [seriftt] % use Lucida Typewriter instead of Lucida Sans Typewriter
(*) [fax] % use Lucida Fax instead of Lucida Bright
(*) [casual] % Use Lucida Casual instead of Lucida Bright
(*) [calligraphic] % Use Lucida Calligraphic for italic text
(*) [handwriting] % Use Lucida Handwriting Italic for italic text
This package makes a lot of font re-assignments. Normally these
generate warning messages on the terminal, however getting so many
messages would be distracting, so a further three options control the
font tracing. Even more control may be obtained by loading the
tracefnt package.
(*) [errorshow] Only show font *errors* on the terminal.
Warnings are just sent to the log file. This is the default
for this package.
(*) [warningshow] Show font warnings on the terminal. This
corresponds to the usual LaTeX 2e behaviour.
(*) [nofontinfo] Suppress all font warnings, even from the log file.
Good luck,
End of MacOSX-TeX Digest
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