[OS X TeX] standing ovation

Alessandro Languasco languasc at math.unipd.it
Mon Mar 4 07:18:56 CET 2002

Dear All,

first of all, I am sorry for the Off-Topic... but
I think we have to give a standing ovation to
Gerben for his wonderful work!
The same is also for Richard Koch, Jérôme Laurens and Dirk Olmes!

I daily work with Gerben installation of teTex and with TeXshop
by Richard, Jérôme and	Dirk (1.16 is customizable, easy-to-use...
in just one word: fantastic).

I am not able to figure out how could I work
without these softwares.

Thanks to all of you.


Alessandro Languasco, Ph. D.
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata
Universita' di Padova
Via Belzoni 7
35131 Padova (Italy).
Phone: +39-(0)49-8275958
Fax: +39-(0)49-8275892
E-mail:     languasco at math.unipd.it
Home page:  http://www.math.unipd.it/~languasc

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