[OS X TeX] Re: Fink and LaTeX2HTML question

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Mon Mar 4 03:40:55 CET 2002

> Here's how to install latex2html via fink, for TeXShop users:

Great work, Dave.

Is there anything that you discovered with LaTeX2HTML's
installation routine that can be improved for MacOS X ?

If so, then I can update LaTeX2HTML to make this easier.

>  1) Install teTeX and ghostview using Gerben Wierda's installer
>  2) Install fink, and update to the latest versions by using the
>     "fink selfupdate-cvs" command
>  3) Install the fink package "system-tetex" to let fink know that you
>     already have teTeX installed
>  4) Decide if you want XFree86 or not.  If you want it, install it either
>     via fink or from the XFree86 site.  (In the latter case you need to
>     install the fink package "system-xfree86".)  
>  5) Install either "ghostscript6" or "ghostscript6-nox", depending on whether
>     you have XFree86 installed or not.
> Some TeXShop users will want to experiment with xdvi, and they will need
> XFree86.  Others will see no need for this, and their needs are provided
> for as well.  (There is also an option "system-xtools" if you have Tenon's
> XTools installed instead of XFree86.)
>   6) Install the fink package "latex2html."
> If you haven't done steps 1-5, fink will ask questions during the
> installation.  Hopefully the above explanation will make it clear how you
> are supposed to answer.
> One further remark:  the most recently updated versions of some of these
> fink packages, including latex2html, are in fink's "unstable" tree at the
> moment where they are undergoing testing.  I anticipate that they will
> move to fink's "stable" tree in the next few days.  So I recommend either

If there's any way that I can help, by adjustments within LaTeX2HTML,
don't hesitate to ask.



> using the "unstable" version, or waiting a few days before installing.
> In either case, be sure to do "fink selfupdate-cvs" before installing
> packages.
> Some people wonder why there is no "system-ghostscript."  Packages within
> fink work extremely well together, and getting an external package such as
> ghostscript to work along with fink's packages is quite an effort when the
> package is not installed by fink.  In fact, the only external packages
> which fink has been configured to work with are teTeX and XFree86 (or
> XTools), each of which is a very large package with thousands of files
> which many people have installed another way.  Installing a second copy of
> ghostscript via fink is not hard, and having two copies present is quite
> harmless. 
>   -- Dave
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