[OS X TeX] BibTeX Can't Find Style that pdfTeX can
Martin Stokhof
stokhof at hum.uva.nl
Fri Jul 12 18:21:10 CEST 2002
I don't know about any official documentation, but I go by the rule
that I learned on this list: copy the relevant part(s) of the
directory structure in the system texmf tree in your local texmf
tree. Has always worked for me and has the additional advantage that
I don't have to think about it :-)
Martin Stokhof
At 12:04 -0400 on 12/07/02, Michael Hanson wrote:
> I have found that placing .bst files anywhere in
>~/Library/texmf/bibtex/ (i.e. within an arbitrarily named
>subdirectory of this path) allows them to be seen by BibTeX.
>However, I notice that at least two other list members suggest
>~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst/ for .bst files. Is there any
>documentation about the "proper" (or "best practices") location of
>files in the texmf hierarchy? I scoured CTAN and a few LaTeX books
>(many months back) without success. I must agree with Gerben's
>comment at the beginning of README.howtexfindsfiles: "TeX's way of
>finding files is quite rich and complicated and at certain times
>counterintuitive." This is certainly the case for those of us
>switching from an OS 9 TeX environment (OzTeX in my case), that was
>much less, well, particular about the location of files. Is any
>practical file organization overview available for those of us
>forced by OS X to become our own sysadmins? TIA!
>On Friday, July 12, 2002, at 11:14 AM, Jeff Collins wrote:
>>Please forgive the specificity of my question. I'm using apacite and have
>>placed the folder containing the .sty and .bst files in the correct
>>directory (~/Library/texmf/tex/).
>> [...snip...]
>>Is there something special I need to do to tell BibTeX where to look for
>>packages? (I had assumed that if pdfTeX could find the files after a
>>'sudo texhash', then bibtex could find them too).
>Michael S. Hanson <http://mshanson.web.wesleyan.edu/>
>Department of Economics mshanson at wesleyan.edu
>Wesleyan University
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