[OS X TeX] Alphatk and (MacOSX)
Chip Brock
brock at pa.msu.edu
Tue Jul 23 22:59:21 CEST 2002
I have been waiting patiently for alpha of OS8-9 fame to get carbonized and
was apparently sleeping during earlier notes about alphatk. I've installed
it, but now think I'm not sure what to do!
Has anyone hooked it up to tetex and compiled a LaTeX file and found the
rendering? What I did was point the tex engine to
and then command-T a file that is a driver for a set of latex \include's.
Alpha thinks and then reports:
File: /Users/brock/Documents/ ISP/ISP213_f2002pb/isp211_1.tex
"/usr/bin/texi2html" isp211_1.tex
um, texi2html?
What, actually, should I expect to see happen? I presume that some sort of
renderer is not relevant, unless one can explicitly hook alphatk up to
Acrobat or something else? I had always used the older alpha through
One thing about Texshop, is it's sure simple to set up and make work.
However, I miss the electric braces and all the editing goodies and would
like to make this work, however I don't think I 'get it'.
Raymond Brock * Professor of Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
3210 BPS Building
Michigan State University * East Lansing, MI 48824
brock at pa.msu.edu
hep office........(517)353-1693/355-9200 #2120
open fax..........(517)355-6661
secure fax........(517)351-0688
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CERN Office:......40 5-C31 * 76-71258
Home: http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/
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