[Mac OS X TeX] LyX-fink

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Sat Jun 16 20:42:58 CEST 2001

Alessandro asked:
> On MacCentral I red that using Xtools 1.0 of Tenon Intersystems 
> our macintoshes (with os X) can be connected, as a remote 
> terminal, to a central server (which runs under Unix (or Linux or NT)). 
> The good news is that, with a rootless access, we can work 
> under Aqua ! 

> This means, for example, that I can use the copy 
> of whatever software (e.g. TeX) installed on the Department 's servers 
> directly on my PBook ? This is one of the most important reason why 
> I bought Os X, so I hope that this is right. 

Well, you display/control the software on/from your system, but it's
actually running on the Server---as long as you don't need access to a
font or other file only available on your machine, this likely won't be
an issue.


William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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