[Mac OS X TeX] mathtime

Michel Bovani michel.bovani at wanadoo.fr
Sat Dec 1 16:32:18 CET 2001

Le 1/12/01 à 15:49 +0100 Ingo Reich a écrit :
>Dear Michel,
>thanks for your prompt suggestion; unfortunately this didn't solve 
>the problem. I put your version of "my2mtt.fd" in the respective 
>folder within my personal texmf-tree and -- as the log shows -- it 
>is used instead the one in the 'original' texmf-tree. This time, 
>however, the log complained that it couldn't find the corresponding 
>tfm-files. Therefore I installed the tfm- and vi-files from OzTeX 
>4.0; result: no more errors, but the math-symbols do not show up 
>when taking the TeX-Ghostscript route and they are substitutet by 
>some default font when using pdftex. Heres the log of a short 
>tex-file using pdftex:

>Warning: /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/pdflatex 
>(file MTSY)
>: Font MTSY at 720 not found

Hmmm... MacOSX is case sensitive, I'm afraid

Your tfm font is MTSY.tfm and your mapfile  :



mtsy        MTSY            <mtsy.pfb
  ^           ^                  ^
tfm     PostScript name       pfb name

You have to check all the names (mtsy.tfm/MTSY.tfm, mtsy.pfb/MTSY.pfb 
and the same for mtex). if only tfm names are bad, you can simply 
drag them out of your home texmf tree, because they already exist in 
the main tree (with the good names). See :


for pfb file (if they are no good) the best is probably to rename 
them. Another way is to copy pdftex.map in your home tree and to 
modify it.
PostScript names sould *not* be modified.
Michel Bovani

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