[Mac OS X TeX] mathtime

Michel Bovani michel.bovani at wanadoo.fr
Sat Dec 1 13:48:09 CET 2001

Le 1/12/01 à 11:25 +0100 Ingo Reich a écrit :
>can anyone help me with the use of  mathtime fonts in TeXShop (1.13) 
>+ teTeX (under OS X.1.1)? I tried to install the mathtime fonts in 
>the same manner as I did (succesfully) install the Lucida Bright 
>fonts, i.e., I created the pfb-fonts "mtsy.pfb", "mtex.pfb" and 
>"rmtmi.pfb" from the type1-fonts using the t1utils included in 
>CMacTeX and put them into the texmf-folder in my personal 
>library-folder (path: 
>ireich/library/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy/MathTime). However, when 
>pdftex-ing, only parts of the fonts appear as should be, namely the 
>Times text font greek letters etc., but not mathematical symbols 
>like \forall, \langle, \in etc. Maybe the follwing warning message 
>-- concerning "wolfram.map" -- is a hint to the solution:

No, because mathtime don't use wolfram.map.

Probably the symbols font is not found.

if you have only mathtime 1.1 (not mathtime plus) you can't use the 
mathtimes plus version my2mtt.fd (wich use mtsyn rather than mtsy)

try to replace the mathtime plus version by this one

%% This is file `my2mtt.fd',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% mtfonts.fdd  (with options: `MY2mtt,')
%% Copyright 1996 1997 Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle.
%% Development of this package was commissioned by Y&Y Inc.
%% http://www.yandy.com
  [1997/03/14 v1.0c
  Mathtime Encoding 2
%% End of file `my2mtt.fd'.

if it doesn't work send ar complete minimal source file and the 
complete log file...
Michel Bovani

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