[lucida] need to manually specify bold/italic fonts with current fontspec

Calum Mackay calum.mackay at cdmnet.org
Mon Jan 21 19:45:07 CET 2019

oh! thanks very much indeed Bruno, many useful points there.

And how did I not know about that pkg? :)

please consider this a request for someone to update the documentation 
(lucuidaot.tex); unless it's there and I missed it!

thanks again, Bruno & Herbet,

best regards,

On 21/01/2019 6:08 pm, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> On 21 Jan 2019, at 18:30, Calum Mackay <calum.mackay at cdmnet.org> wrote:
>> hmm. For some reason, it's not finding the bold font (at least, in my PDF, normal and bold text look the same). It does find the italic and mono-spaced fonts.
>> Attached a minimal example.
>> Am I doing something wrong here, please?
> \setmainfont[Scale=0.92]{Lucida Bright OT}
> works in XeLaTeX but not LuaLaTeX. This is because the bold font is actually demibold.
> XeLaTeX uses the OS font libraries to identify the fonts, and they seem to resolve this transparently.
> LuaLaTeX works differently. It uses the luaotfload package and the associated luaotfload-tool script to create a font name database, associating (among other things) font names with file names, at (one The Mac, which your log implies you're using)
> ~/Library/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/names/luaotfload-names.lua.gz
> Here's the database content about Lucida Bright OT Demibold on my setup:
>    {
>     ["basename"]="LucidaBrightOT-Demi.otf",
>     ["familyname"]="lucidabrightot",
>     ["fontname"]="lucidabrightotdemibold",
>     ["format"]="otf",
>     ["fullname"]="lucidabrightotdemibold",
>     ["fullpath"]="/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts/opentype/bh/lucidaot/LucidaBrightOT-Demi.otf",
>     ["index"]=22,
>     ["italicangle"]=0,
>     ["location"]="texmf",
>     ["pfmweight"]=600,
>     ["plainname"]="Lucida Bright OT Demibold",
>     ["psname"]="lucidabrightotdemibold",
>     ["size"]=false,
>     ["subfamily"]="demibold",
>     ["subfont"]=false,
>     ["version"]="Version 1.803",
>     ["weight"]="demibold",
>     ["width"]=5,
>    },
> You can see it's demibold not bold.
> To avoid having to deal with such traps, the lucidaot distribution includes undocumented fontspec configuration files
> /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/lucidaot/lucidabrightot.fontspec
> /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/lucidaot/lucidaconsoledk.fontspec
> /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/lucidaot/lucidagrandemonodk.fontspec
> /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/lucidaot/lucidasansot.fontspec
> /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/lucidaot/lucidasanstypewriterot.fontspec
> There's a small doc at the start of lucidabrightot.fontspec that explains how this works. In short, just write
> \setmainfont{LucidaBrightOT}
> and you're all set for Lucida Bright OT, and similar for the other fonts. As far as I remember, it's not mentioned in the main doc because those were experimental fontspec features at the time the files were added, with the fontspec syntax changing often. I don't know whether it's considered stable now.
> I don't remember how this works in combination with [Scale=0.92], which your earlier message says you're using.
> As for me, I tend to do things manually, for example writing
> \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\Umathchar}}%
>    {\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>     \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>     \usepackage{textcomp}
>     \usepackage[expert,lucidasmallscale,vargreek]{lucidabr}
>     \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlh}{1}
>     \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbullet}{OMS}}
>    {\usepackage{fontspec}
>     \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=.9}
>     \usepackage{unicode-math}
>     \unimathsetup{math-style=ISO}
>     \setmainfont{LucidaBrightOT.otf}[%
>       ItalicFont=LucidaBrightOT-Italic.otf,
>       BoldFont=LucidaBrightOT-Demi.otf,
>       BoldItalicFont=LucidaBrightOT-DemiItalic.otf,
>       Ligatures=TeX]
>    \setsansfont{LucidaSansOT.otf}[%
>      ItalicFont=LucidaSansOT-Italic.otf,
>      BoldFont=LucidaSansOT-Demi.otf,
>      BoldItalicFont=LucidaSansOT-DemiItalic.otf,
>      Ligatures=TeX]
>    \setmonofont{LucidaSansTypewriterOT.otf}[%
>      ItalicFont=LucidaSansTypewriterOT-Oblique.otf,
>      BoldFont=LucidaSansTypewriterOT-Bold.otf,
>      BoldItalicFont=LucidaSansTypewriterOT-BoldOblique.otf,
>      ]
>    \setmathfont{LucidaBrightMathOT.otf}[%
>      RawFeature=+ss04]
>    \setmathfont{LucidaBrightMathOT-Demi.otf}[%
>      version=bold,
>      RawFeature=+ss04]
>    }
> Also, Herbert has written a package to deal transparently with such things (and add kerning). It's at
> https://ctan.org/pkg/lucida-otf
> Bruno
> --
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