[lucida] upgrading + installation

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Thu Feb 14 00:21:24 CET 2013

On 02/13/2013 05:03 PM, ivo welch wrote:

> Dear Lucida group readers:
> as terrible as it makes me look, I thought I would share the problem
> that I had run into.  without the \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} before
> \usepackage{lucidabr}, a latex document compiles nicely, but then the
> CMR fonts are used instead of lucida fonts.  I believe this fontenc was
> not always needed (well, I used an old lucidbry.sty file in the past).
> I also wonder why the correct fontenc is not automatically loaded

Because you might want to use LY1 instead of T1. The lucida.txt that 
comes with the distribution says

> Available encodings are T1 (Cork), TS1 (text companion) and LY1
> (TeXnANSI).  As an exception, the font famiily hlhj is _not_ available
> with LY1 encoding.
> Usage notes
> ===========
> * The obsolete OT1 font encoding, which is still the default with
> LaTeX, is _not_ supported.  Thus, you must switch to T1/TS1 or LY1
> encoding before using the Lucida Bright fonts.



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