[lucida] Old style numbers

Steve Peter speter at mac.com
Sat May 17 03:29:46 CEST 2008

On May 16, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

> Aloha all,
> I'd like to use old style numbers by default, rather than using
> \oldstylenums{} in the text.  Reading through lucida-sample.pdf, I
> found this line, which I perhaps do not understand correctly but might
> indicate I can get the behavior I'm after:
>> The font family hlhj provides the oldstyle figures by default
> If this does indeed point the way to old style numbers without the use
> of \oldstylenums{} in the text, then I'd appreciate instruction on how
> to invoke it in my class file.

\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{hlhj} should do the trick.

I would put the change into a mylucida.sty file:

\ProvidesPackage{mylucida}[2008/05/16 v1.0 Lucida]

You could then say


which will default to oldstyle, or if you need lining for a particular  
file, use



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