[lucida] Getting LaTeX to recognise Lucida

Ian Fitzgerald ianf at ozemail.com.au
Mon Jul 3 09:02:07 CEST 2006

In message <200607021902.k62J2vp14340 at f7.net> you wrote:


THAT works, and the log file does not suggest that any font files are unable
to be found.

Problems remain: running LaTeX results in .dvi file with no text visible.
This is not surprising, given that I patched the pdftex config file only
with your supplied subfile.

Running my shortened lucida-test.tex with pdfLaTeX, which contains the text

Here's some text. And here's some math:

produces the text in lucida, but with the ' replaced with S with a breve or

Will this file be over-written again if I run updmap? And this this the same
as updating "Is-R"?

Is the behaviour of the update process changeable by changing a configuration
file, or do I need to update a binary?

with thanks,


>     Herewith requested files as attachments.
> So, I see Lucida is in updmap.cfg but not in pdftex.map.  I infer that
> your updmap does not update pdftex.map.  So you need to add the lines I
> sent previously (attached here again) by hand to pdftex.map.
>     Where can I find documentation of these commands?
> E.g.,
> http://tug.org/texinfohtml/kpathsea.html#Invoking-kpsewhich
> http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/updmap1.html
> (Although the version of updmap in your fptex probably doesn't have the
> updmap-sys variant.  It's basically the same, though.)
> The kpathsea manual and updmap man page, and what doc there is on all
> the other commands, is included in the original distribution, too.
> Hope it works,
> Karl

Ian Fitzgerald
ianf at ozemail dot com dot au

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