[luatex] LuaTeX precompilation

Axel Kittenberger axkibe at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 12:10:17 CET 2023

> it pipes it the source file up to the line with "%%
> end preamble" and then waits until a file "sourcefile.tex.resume" is
> created, piping the rest of the source after that.

Thank you, I love this.

Along with David's suggestion, it shows to me once again the typical cycle
of an idea that often at first tends to think way more complicated and it
gets simpler every iteration of retouching it. My initial thought was
actually to patch luatex to create a new command to wait for a signal, and
then felt proud of the follow-up idea it could be offloaded to Lua
scripting.  Then Davids was a serious simplification of that again and
yours is even better :)

- Axel
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