[luatex] Moving the luatex repo.

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Oct 21 10:07:54 CEST 2022

On 21/10/2022 09:01, luigi scarso wrote:
> We have to move the current luatex svn repo to another location
> migrating from svn to a git (gitlab actually) system.
> I am opening to suggestions on how the migrations should be done,
> considering that we have  a non-standard layout of the  svn repo and we
> want (would like) to preserve the full history.
> In several documents I see that svn2git is suggested
> https://github.com/nirvdrum/svn2git
> The migration is quite urgent.

For the LaTeX repos, which did have some non-standard layouts, we used 
SubGit: https://subgit.com/. This was more flexible than other solutions 
available and is free for open source work.


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