[luatex] ***SPAM*** Re: [Dev-luatex] features request 2

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Thu Sep 2 16:35:51 CEST 2021

Am 02.09.21 um 16:18 schrieb Linas Stonys:
 > wow! Indeed there is a lot useful primitives (\ifempty, ifrelax, ...
 > often would be used
I'm not sure that syntactic sugar (ie commands that are trivial to 
implement) is something that should be added to the engines

but the two you suggested, ie gaining control at the very start of 
paragraph processing  and just before a group ends, are two things that 
the engines really don't offer unless you totally disable most of the 
processing and figure out for yourself when it would be time to switch 
to hmode (which while theoretically doable is not really a practical 
option). As both have useful applications (and should be fairly easy to 
provide in all engines those are two that I think are worth pursuing

my 2cents - Frank
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