[luatex] Loading fonts from within LuaTeX

Robert Krug destiny6 at mac.com
Tue Feb 23 18:21:43 CET 2021


Thanks for the confirmation that something like:

xxx = fonts.definers.read("drm10.otf:mode=base;liga=false;kern=false;", tex.sp("10pt"))
x = font.define(xxx)

is a reasonable approach.  I should have been more clear, (and I do want to stay exclusively on the Lua side) but the failure of


and the success of


led me to think I might be missing something.  This behaviour still seems odd to me. Why the difference?

I suppose as long as I have a working system, it is not that important though.



On February 23, 2021 at 1:08 AM, Patrick Gundlach <patrick at gundla.ch> wrote:

Hello Robert,

I am unsure what you want to do, stay on the Lua side or use the TeX side to define fonts?

I define the fonts on the Lua side by creating a font table then use

local num = font.define(newfont)

where newfont is the font table (6.1 in the manual)


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