[luatex] Fwd: Re: lilyglyphs package compatibility with TeXLive 2019

Urs Liska lists at openlilylib.org
Fri Aug 9 10:59:37 CEST 2019

[Forgot to CC the list]

Hi Rembrandt,

it took me a second to realize where I knew the name from - but I did so *before* reading your
comment ;-)

Well, I'm currently rewriting the package completely, using my new luaformatters package
(https://github.com/lualatex-tools/luaformatters), which I hope will make future development much
simpler, and this will implicitly remove the issue with the undefined characters.

I can't really tell when that's ready, but I *can* tell that I urgently need this working myself to
be able to pick up my "actual" work *using* it ;-)

So you can expect a new, working version of lilyglyphs released within a few weeks (although this
may or may not introduce breaking changes with the need to update document code).
You could speed that up by contributing to the development, with code or discussion. The new
package is located at https://github.com/uliska/lualilyglyphs (branch `lua-only`).

In the meantime you could try using the package from the version on github. I have applied a
probable fix for the issue, but without testing.
If you want to use that version make sure that the package can be found through the tex/lualatex
subtree of your local TEXMF tree (and not tex/latex or tex/luatex).


9. August 2019 09:51, "Rembrandt Wolpert" <r.f.wolpert at gmail.com> schrieb:

> On 7/30/19 17:13, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Hi Ulrike,
>> thank you for this explanation. I'll look into it and try to rather remove the missing chars than
>> the warning ;-)
>> Best
>> Urs
>> 30. Juli 2019 16:37, "Ulrike Fischer" <luatex at nililand.de> schrieb:
> Am Tue, 30 Jul 2019 09:50:15 +0000 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> I noticed that my package lilyglyphs (http://ctan.org/pkg/lilyglyphs) seems to have issues with TeX
>> Live 2019 that weren't there in TL2017. When compiled with lualatex any glyph printed directly gets
>> an added rectangle like shown in the attached screenshot.
>> Is there any suggestion as to where these rectangles come from and
>> what may be the change leading to the issue?
> luaotfload changed the handling of "missing chars".
> In previous version when you used a char in your document which had
> no glyph in the current font it was silently dropped. Now it shows
> the .notdef glyph which can be a space or this rectangle. You can
> disable this by using the font feature notdef:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \setmainfont{roboto} %show notdef
> \setsansfont{roboto}[RawFeature={notdef=false}] %don't show
> \begin{document}
> xxछजyy
> \sffamily
> xxछजyy
> \end{document}
> --
> Ulrike Fischer
> http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de
> Dear Urs,
> (we met at the recent Vienna conference...). Any news on the boxes? I
> have the same problem you have, and wondered if I shall have to go into
> alterations myself, which I don't rally want to do.
> As ever,
> Rembrandt
> --
> Helenenstraße 66-68/1/1
> 2500 Baden bei Wien
> Österreich / Austria
> Tel. +43 676 6180091
> 行到水窮處 坐看雲起時

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