[luatex] lyluatex compile problems
Urs Liska
lists at openlilylib.org
Sun Jul 29 18:28:38 CEST 2018
Am 29.07.2018 um 17:59 schrieb liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com:
> a) Ok good to know that explains the compiling problems fundamentally.
> If the manual were a lyluatex file it would have been one of the
> greatest tutorials right there.
> What I tried to compile is the manual in the zip download here
> "https://ctan.org/pkg/lyluatex?lang=en"
> Which seemed to be the lyluatex code, but I am seemingly mistaken.
No, you're not mistaken. I wasn't aware of the fact that the script
preparing the CTAN upload actually produced that lyluatex.tex file.
> b) Ok
> c) Ok I saw that, but where that was mentioned there was no direct
> compile instruction. The option --shell-escape was mentioned in the
> body text and there was no direct compile command.
> If
> "lualatex --shell-escape somefile.tex"
> were in the instructions I did not have to ask this question, but it
> is absent.
> Would be a good idea to add that.
I'll try to keep that in mind. It would be great if you could open an
issue on the Github issue tracker at
https://github.com/jperon/lyluatex/issues about it.
> Question:
> 1) Since I cannot compile the manual and use that to learn lyluatex,
> (my preferred latex way to learn is just to work through the code
> compiling the manual. (Last 20+ more years taught me that is by far
> the best way.)
> Is there an indepth lyluatex manual that is compilable with luatex ?
This .tex file *is* compilable with lualatex (not luatex!).
Please first try the other things I told you about, and if that doesn't
work please post more details about the errors. But this is not a luatex
issue, so this list may not be right place to discuss. Please either
subscribe to the lilypond-user mailing list or open an issue on the
issue tracker.
> 2) Is there an archive with lots of lyluatex document examples
> combining both text and musical notaion in the document ?
lyluatex is actually brand new, so there is no such archive (yet).
> Thanks
> On 2018-07-29 11:22, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Am 29.07.2018 um 16:31 schrieb liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com:
>>> I installed lyluatex by means of texlive-luatex.
>>> I then tried to compile the manual (lyluatex.tex) in the luatex
>>> download zip archive as a test.
>>> $] latex lyluatex.tex
>>> It exits with errors.
>>> Obviously then the compiler is not LaTeX.
>> There are several issues here:
>> a)
>> The manual is not written in a lyluatex.tex file but in lyluatex.md,
>> which has to be processed with Pandoc. Also the Zip download from
>> Github doesn't contain such a file, so I don't know what you actually
>> tried to compile.
>>> The manual is thorough but I cannot find a single instance of how to
>>> compile a lyluatex file.
>>> I must have overlooked it but just cannot find it.
>> b)
>> lyluatex relies (as the name suggests) on LuaLaTeX, so the basic
>> command has to be lualatex, not latex.
>> This is stated in the first "Note:" section of the "Usage" section. In
>> a slightly more informal way it is also stated in the first paragraph
>> of the introduction.
>> c)
>> As lyluatex invokes LilyPond it needs the privilege to do so. This is
>> done by the command line option --shell-escape.
>> This is described in some detail in the third "NOTE:" section of said
>> "Usage" section
>>> So what is the mysterious compile command ?
>> lualatex --shell-escape somefile.tex
>>> thanks
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