[luatex] recent tunenc.def fails with lualatex

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Sun Mar 5 03:34:28 CET 2017

If you have updated to latest TeX Live you should have LaTeX patch level 3. The this is fixed.

Please show the full log, best including the -recorder CMD line option and the generated .fls file.


On March 5, 2017 11:18:30 AM GMT+09:00, Rembrandt Wolpert <r.f.wolpert at gmail.com> wrote:
>I wonder if this is just my problem...:
>after a very recent full update of texlive everything I tried to
>failed with:
>  *************************************************
>  * fontspec warning: "tu-clash"
>  *
>  * I have found the tuenc.def encoding definition file but the TU
>encoding is
>* not defined by the LaTeX2e kernel; attempting to correct but you
>  * should update to the latest version of LaTeX2e.
>  *************************************************
>  (/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
>  (/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/tuenc.def
>  ! Missing \endcsname inserted.
>  <to be read again>
>  \def
>  l.252 ...             \UnicodeEncodingName {}{"007E}
>  ?
>The two (newly introduced) lines in tuenc.def which offended my
>(0.95, from texlive 2016) are:
>\DeclareTextComposite{\^}             \UnicodeEncodingName {}{"005E}
>\DeclareTextComposite{\~}             \UnicodeEncodingName {}{"007E}
>After commenting these out the compilation worked fine. Please note,
>that the "offending" lines caused no problem when compiling the MWE
>xelatex (but I am using lualatex).
>Here's a M(N)WE:
>  \documentclass{article}
>  %\usepackage{luatex85} % un-comment when compiling with lualatex
>  \usepackage{fontspec}
>  %\setmainfont{Brill} % this would be a free and rather comprehensive
>  \begin{document}
>  Won't compile under lualatex with newest tuenc.def.
>  Compiles fine with xelatex.
>  \end{document}
>Is there just something wrong with my system? And if so, what would be
>remedy (other than commenting the two lines out, which I did to be able
>to continue working)?
>(MacOS 10.8.5, texlive (mactex) 2016, last update 3 days ago.)

PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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