[luatex] Magnification in PDF mode

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sat Nov 12 22:58:42 CET 2016

On 12/11/2016 16:51, Jean-Pierre Demailly wrote:
> Hi:
> I have to admit I am a Plain TeX addict. Since LuaTeX allows 
> additional flexibility, I was trying tu use it as a TeX engine. 
> A natural expectation would have been that luatex at least compatible
> with the original TeX.

No, this is *explicitly not the case*!

> Therefore, I am horrified to realize that
> \magnification=... is no longer available in PDF mode, worse, that it
> behaves differently in DVI and PDF modes ! In my eyes, this is really
> a wrong decision. At least, a fallback mechanism for \magnification
> should be provided !!

Hans will doubtless confirm the detail, but this was mentioned in one of
the update statements as being deliberate. There's no reason to be
messing with \mag in PDF mode.


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