[luatex] node list

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Wed Nov 28 20:50:57 CET 2012

Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de> a écrit:
> Am 28.11.2012 19:44, schrieb Paul Isambert:
> >    head = node.insert_after(a, b, c)
> >
> > to insert c after b in the list whose head is a (actually any node in
> > that list).
>  From what is written in the manual I thought that
> head=node.insert_after(nil,head,n)
> should also work, but it didn't.

It should, if "head" is non-nil. So I'm surprised, again, that it

> >> And am i right, that the prev field from node n is missing, but
> >> doesn't hurt in this case? I know, that I can set it.
> >
> > Actually it IS set (try "print(n.prev)"), and I'm surprised myself,
> Me too, because the manual say that it is not set.

Taco? :)


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