[luatex] Luatex tutorial

Dirk Laurie dirk.laurie at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 10:24:37 CEST 2012

2012/8/29 Mikoláš Štrajt <strajt9 at seznam.cz>:

> I am interested both in Lua and TEX, so it seems to be logic that pay
> attention to LuaTex.
> However I am newbie to TEX, so I don't understand what is possible to do
> with the bare LuaTex. (It's not mean bad, but I don't find any begginer
> section in documentation of it).
> If someone can post some easy simple and/or practical example it will be
> nice.

When I first taught myself LuaTeX (not knowing any Lua yet) I wrote down
the way I understood it as a newbie. I've not revised the document in
any way, though I did check that it runs under a recent install of
TeXLive 2012.

I've attached the source files. Download them to the same directory and
lualatex the .tex file.
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