[luatex] bug: double quotes are not printed

Ulrike Fischer luatex at nililand.de
Sun Jun 12 13:24:22 CEST 2011

Am Sun, 12 Jun 2011 03:01:33 +0200 schrieb Reinhard Kotucha:

>  > Editors set often \scrollmode or --scrollmode as default
>  > (texniccenter certainly, emacs as far as I know too). At my opinion
>  > this is pity. It makes compilation easier when the errors are
>  > temporary (e.g. due to outdated aux-files) but it leads also quite
>  > a lot people to ignore errors as long as a pdf is generated.
> Yes, but Emacs (actually AucTeX) reads the log file for you.  If an
> error occurs, you can jump to the place where it's detected and you
> get a detailed error message.  Emacs even provides more comprehensible
> error messages than LaTeX itself.
> I never used TeXnicCenter myself but I've seen many people using it.
> Sorry, but I have the impression that they are using it *because* they
> don't want to see error messages.

I have never used TeXnicCenter either but as far as I know it flags
the number of errors at the bottom and has like winedt and emacs
some means to jump through all the errors.

But I didn't critzise this error-jumping but scrollmode. For you and
me it is simply a matter of taste and personal working habits. But
for beginners it imho psychological wrong. As you said: quite a lot
people don't want to see error messages - and if the editor allows
them to ignore them they will happily do it. I see quite often
variants of "until know I got my pdf so why should I have looked at
the list of errors?". 

Ulrike Fischer 

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