[lltx] lualatex-math cannot find unpack function

Wolfgang Jeltsch g9ks157k at acme.softbase.org
Wed Aug 7 11:12:22 CEST 2013

Am Mittwoch, den 07.08.2013, 09:14 +0200 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
> ···<date: 2013-08-06, Tuesday>···<from: Wolfgang Jeltsch>···
> > Am Montag, den 05.08.2013, 23:01 +0200 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
> > > In most documents the fallback is available through luaotfload or
> > > lualibs since l-lua.lua establishes a compatibility layer [1].
> > 
> > I think it would be best if the compatibility code would exist in only
> > one core Lua module, which is then imported by the other modules. I
> > think the current solution, where the same patching of table (or _G) is
> > done in several modules, is somehow wrong.
> The code was written by Hans, it is him you have to address your
> feature requests to.

Hmm, the lualibs and luaotfload packages don’t list Hans as a
maintainer, but they do list you. ;-)  Furthermore, luaotfload wasn’t
developed by Hans at all from what I can see on the CTAN package

Is lualibs actually a fork of some parts of ConTeXt that is now further
developed by the lualibs maintainers? Or does it just mirror some parts
of ConTeXt, so that it gets its changes from the upstream ConTeXt code?

> Although there is a good deal of duplication between Lualibs and
> Luaotfload code for obvious reasons, I don’t see a problem
> insofar as the basic modules do not break when loaded multiple
> times. Anyways, it would be possible to have the Lualibs detect
> the presence of Luaotfload and then differentiate as to which
> libraries it loads. But then the parts would be loaded out of
> order. I’m not optimistic regarding the outcome as some code uses
> fallbacks for missing functionality and we would have to isolate
> those regions and reinject them so they use the correct version.
> Naturally that is going to be a fragile arrangement which would
> have to be checked every time there is a change to the core
> libraries. I don’t think that’d be worth the effort since the
> gain is at best marginal.

I think you have misunderstood me. I proposed to put the compatibility
code into a core package that is loaded by all packages that need it.
There is already luatexbase-compat. Why not use this?

Best wishes,

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