[lltx] LuaLaTeX and the unicode-math package

Andrea del Monaco and.delmonaco at gmail.com
Wed May 23 10:49:30 CEST 2012

> Accent placement is controlled by the font, to change it (e.g. when
> using a font that is not an OpenType math font) you might want to
> "patch" the font on the fly, but that is even much lower level.

And how can I do that on the fly? I'd like to learn this technique...

Well, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe this method can solve another
annoying issue: the interword spacing and the kerning.
I've noticed that kerning blows up when switching from a shape to another
(of the same font, of course).
And even more: for example the space between a closing parentheses/bracket
and an italic letter (say italic "T") is not properly adjusted. As a
result, the two glyphs appear as glued togheter.
The same occurs for calligraphic letters, or greek letters... It looks like
unicode-math is not able to handle the kerning when switching from a
mode/shape to another.

> the default is to center the accent on the glyph box, are you getting
> something different?
 yep: the accents aren't on the center.
Sometimes they aren't even "on" the glyph, but totally outside of it.

Best regards,
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