[lltx] issue with unicode-math, spanish and LuaLaTeX

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Tue Jul 12 16:50:35 CEST 2011

Am Tue, 12 Jul 2011 16:39:24 +0200 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

>>> With xetex I can at least use
>>> \XeTeXmathcharnumdef\test=\XeTeXmathcodenum`\x
>>> but none of the various combination of \Umathchardef + \Umathcode
>>> etc seems to work in luatex.

> Actually, that does not mean I think it is a good idea. The
> conceptual problem is that \XeTeXmathcodenum (and therefore
> also \Umathcodenum) can return a signed int to represent an
> unsigned value, with is pretty horrible.
> Why is it so important to be able to do a mathcharnumdef
> (instead of a macro definition or straight \Umathchardef?)

Actually -- as you see above -- I did try a straight \Umathchardef.
But I didn't understand how to use it. I can use it by giving the
values directly: \Umathchardef\test="0"1"0056. 
But what should I do if I want a
\Umathchardef\test= "current mathcode values of V"?

Ulrike Fischer 

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