[lltx] LuaTeX logos

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Sun May 30 17:12:46 CEST 2010

Andrew Moschou a écrit :
> I have sent an updated version of metalogo to CTAN which includes 
> definitions for \LuaTeX and \LuaLaTeX.

Hello Andrew and all,

Thank you for your update! I have just one request for the future: do 
you think you could define \LuaTeX as

\HOLOGO at NegativeKerning{aT,oT,To}%
\TeX %

with HOLOGO at NegativeKerning{aT,oT,To} being the biggest negative kern 
between aT (which in most fonts never has a negative kern), oT and To 
(which is a good candidate). This definition is in hologo 

I think it would be really optimal... what do you think?

Thank you,

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