[lltx] LuaTeX logo in metalogo

Élie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Wed Feb 24 09:09:38 CET 2010


currently the \LuaTeX  and \LuaLaTeX logo definition are in the
luatextra package, but metalogo looks like a much better place to make
it live. The definitions are actually extremely simple: \LuaTeX is
Lua\TeX and \LuaLaTeX is Lua\LaTeX. We took the convention of the
LuaTeX user manual
(http://www.luatex.org/svn/trunk/manual/luatexref-t.pdf) to write it.
Is it possible to add these logos in metalogo? Maybe an option to tune
the space between the a and the T of LuaTeX would be nice too, though
the aT option in metalogo is already used by LaTeX... so you see a
simple solution?

Please let me know when you'll upload a new version on CTAN so that I
upload a new version of luatextra the same day.

Thank you,

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