[latexrefman] latex2e (September 2023), 8.14 itemize

Claude Quitte claude.quitte at orange.fr
Tue May 21 08:21:58 CEST 2024

Hi Karl

Thanks. Everything is fine with your answer. I contact GUTenberg. Claude.

\usepackage[dutch,english]{babel} %% problem with french
\begin {document}

Text 1

%% Latex2e, An unofficial reference manual (May 2024) 8.14, p. 64
%% Karl says : Setting the margin after the list starts has no effect (I 
believe). OK
Text 2

Text 3
\end {document}

Le 20/05/24 à 22:35, Karl Berry a écrit :
> Hi Claude - the
>      \usepackage[french]{babel}
> changes list formatting. Evidently changing \leftmargin* no longer has
> any effect when that is loaded. Without that line, the output is as
> expected.
> At a quick glance, I didn't see any description in the babel
> documentation. I can only suggest asking on a general help list, or
> maybe a French-oriented help list. Maybe GUTenberg provides something.
> https://www.gutenberg-asso.fr/
>      \begin{itemize}
>      \setlength{\leftmargini}{1.25em}
> Setting the margin after the list starts has no effect (I believe).
> I'll update the text about that. --thanks, karl.

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