[latexrefman] Permission to include verbatim copy of (the translation of) some parts of the unofficial reference manual?

Denis Bitouzé denis.bitouze at univ-littoral.fr
Wed Feb 21 15:25:35 CET 2024

Hi Karl,

Le 19/02/24 à 15h08, Karl Berry a écrit :

>     <!-- ⟨legal verbiage⟩ -->
>     which would be read only by computers?
> Yes. This is already done for Texinfo output.
> (If you View Source on any of latexref.xyz nodes, you'll see it. :)

This is now done in:

  │ https://faq.gutenberg-asso.fr/3_composition/document/document_creation/comment_creer_un_fichier_a_la_volee.html

Vincent, does it look okay from your point of view?

>     https://latexref.xyz/fr/filecontents.html#filecontents
> The #filecontents is unnecessary.

If you don't mind, I'd keep it, just as we do when we refer to a TeX
FAQ, for example here:

  │ https://faq.gutenberg-asso.fr/3_composition/document/document_creation/comment_faire_un_document_hypertexte.html

where we refer to the corresponding FAQ:

  │ https://texfaq.org/FAQ-hyper

and not only to the global site:

  │ https://texfaq.org/

>     As explained here:
> Fair enough. I don't see any real license compatibility problem with
> using material from latexref.
>     - when the FAQ was taken over by the GUTenberg association, another free
>       license was chosen: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.
> If the material from the 2004 faq was used, the license can't be
> arbitrarily changed, legally speaking. (This is why latexref has the
> license it does.)

I'm far from being a lawyer, but that's what I suspected.

> Not that I'm going to make an issue of it :).

Phew! ;)


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