[latexrefman] If you want @LaTeX{}'s standard @code{\chapter} command to do this

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sun Sep 4 00:55:46 CEST 2022

What you say is surely technically correct, but these technicalities
don't seem important to me. It's just a little tip, not the main purpose
of the manual or the node. Thus what Jim wrote suffices, IMHO.

The most I would add something like "(Of course this affects all uses of
\cleardoublepage, not just the one in \chapter.") We certainly don't
want to go into a zillion obscure details, or rewrite \chapter, or
anything like that.

    Indeed, I think that the best way forward would be to propose the
    fncychap maintainer to add some user command \ChPageStyle to set the

Feel free.

    whether this is the best package out-there for chapter customization.

I don't know either. I've used titlesec myself. Every package has its
pros and cons, in my experience. -k

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